lørdag den 14. november 2015

raum der stille

As a reaction to what happened in Paris, where I just spend a week (hence the silence on the blog) yesterday (and in Beirut, in Japan, my ever returning memories fro Nepal and and...) I went to the non-denominational Raum der Stille - a room inside the Brandenburger Tor where all people - every kind; with every religion, colour, sexuality, nationality, political view and so on, can sit together in the same room, brought together by silence. It is a peace project which started as an idea in 1988 and was opened in 1994. 
Every time I've been there, it has been full. And complete silent. It is a beautiful place. And there is a mesmerising wall art which I can stare at forever. Also; it is a nice break from the hectic atmosphere around Brandenburger Tor.

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