torsdag den 24. september 2015


Some time ago I went to cinema - Babylon cinema on Dresdener Str - and watched B-Movie: Lust und Sound in West-Berlin 1979-1989. It is by the Manchester born musician Mike Reeder, who lived in Berlin in a number of years at the time of the wall. It portrays the underground music, punk and pop venue in West Berlin during that time. And Nick Cave and Tilda Swinton (among other) appear all of a sudden.

The movie is called an essayfilm but since it contains original footage it seems like a documentary. It is one of those movies, where you are not sure what is fiktion and what is reality. 

If you are somehow interested in Berlin: watch it! It is still in some cinemas in Berlin and I believe the CPH:DOX festival in Copenhagen will show it as well.

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